Spray Tanning

We use the natural looking nova tans at Sirens, so we can give you that perfect glow you are looking for. Please make sure you read our pre care advice before coming for you tan to make sure you get the best from the treatment

Spray Tanning Durham | Sirens Beauty Salon

Precare & Aftercare

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To ensure the best from your tan please ensure you carry out the following before coming for your tan

exfoliate at least 24 hours before the spray tan, with special attention to elbows, knees, heels, and hands.

DO NOT wax or shave at least 24 hours before the spray tan

DO NOT moisturize before your spray tan

DO NOT shower directly before the spray tan, leave for 8 hours, best overnight

DO NOT wear make up or jewelry for your appointment

DO NOT come into contact with liquid, ie, washing dishes, rain, careful when drinking etc

DO NOT shower or bathe for at least 8 hours (better still next morning, it can take 24 hours for the tan fully develop)

DO NOT exercise or sweat excessively, it could influence the development

DO NOT get in contact with leather until you’ve showered

DO NOT touch other areas of the skin, ie palms of hands on legs, falling asleep with hands or arms near face, this will transfer the tan and can make some areas darker or lighter.

DO wear loose dark clothes to ensure the best results after your tan please follow below

DO wear loose dark clothing the rest of the day or night (remove bra, socks and clothing that rubs)

DO moisturize regularly, it keeps the tan longer

DO exfoliate BUT only on rough areas like knees, heels and elbows regularly